Wednesday, January 26, 2011

sealed off

up-and-coming photographer, alex kisilevich, creates a story through each of his images. in the series “bubble troubles” individuals, isolated and alone, face challenges with no apparent solution, the look of loss and abandonment stretched across their faces or in their inanimate body language.


  1. have you ever been to the Hands On Museum? they have this thing where kids can make bubbles around themselves. My nephew was obsessed for an hour, but I thought it was disappointing because he couldn't make himself bubble boy and do things like the ones in these photos.
    I think my expectations for kids museums are a bit high.

  2. this is brilliant on so many levels! i'm smitten!

  3. love these - very thought-provoking!


    Smart reference to use when talking about today's society and how we are becoming more isolated. I also appreciate the environments he is using and how they feel part of a David Lynch film.

  5. Great! It is a good way to isolate yourself from viruses in the winter.
